Our First Yoga Weekend Seminar

We really enjoyed hosting our first Yoga seminar on our newly constructed deck with Eleni Toli from Tinos, centered on the 5 elements earth, water, fire, air, and aether. Between the old oak trees, the running water of the small river, the sound of the wind through the plane leaves, the singing birds around us, we had a nice journey through the asanas and meditation techniques to a deeper connection with our inner self and nature.

Our yoga, more intensive asanas on the first day and the more restorative on the second, with a final Yoga nidra relaxation session in the end, was a great re-charge and calming experience, especially done in this peaceful surrounding.

Vegetarian Food from the Mediterranean and Beyond

Our special designed and thought for this weekend vegetarian menu consisted of zucchini with caper and resins, kinoa with peas and avocado, a mixed legume salad, a beetroot deep, and a iranian cheese with peppermint and walnuts deep and of course a fresh green salad with herbs from our garden.

We really enjoyed doing yoga on our deck in the afternoon and even better in the morning and glad to meet new people that live in Tinos and share a common passion.

We hope to organize it again soon! Will keep you posted.

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