Recycling the water for irrigation

michael watering

One of the most exciting innovative techniques that we implemented in the Ecolodge was the sewage treatment through the reedbed filtration system. We were thrilled to see that it really works amazingly good! All grey water from the kitchen, the shower, the sink and!!! the liquids from the toilet end up in the reedbed, there it is cleaned through the roots and the sand and comes out perfectly clear for watering the plants! There is no smell, the water is bright and clear and the reeds are growing fast and perfectly well without any watering. The system once installed it works for itself. With this system we achieve not to pollute the aquifer and the nearby streams as it is usually done in Tinos and we gain also 500lt/day for irrigation. It is a system suitable for the Aegean islands that are so much in need of water and also the little water that they have is polluted.

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