The construction site is on
Yes, finally we got most of the paperwork done and started on the 27.7.14 the construction on site!!
We decided to move into tents on the plot in order to get a better impression of the work and of course to make the 6:30 morning shift easier.
So after the first weeks here are some impressions on what we are doing and how it looks like.
The first thing to start with was the excavation for the foundations of the two houses, utility house and cistern …..a lot of rock, a lot of dirt and a big mess.
While the big machines did their job we started fixing some of the broken dry stone walls, although a back breaking job, it gives direct satisfaction caused by immediate result.
After the first excavation the molds for the foundation slabs were constructed and the iron was installed.
Through the planning process we had decided to get all installations like fresh water, grey water, black water and electricity into the concrete foundation, so we installed like a million pipes…….
So at the moment the whole for the huge cistern of 100 cubic meters is molded and we had the first official control, everything came out smooth till now.
So greetings to all of you reading this!
Ps: Time-lapse videos of the work are in preparation!