Volunteer places 2025

Volunteer general works (from May until end September, 1 month min stay)

The daily tasks mainly concern the vegetable gardens and greenhouse, all plantations (grapevine, fruit trees, herbs), chicken care, and some maintenance works, and house cleaning during the tourist season. There is also a special place of Kitchen assistant during a PDC (look for PDC dates 2023). In general the volunteer works 25hrs weekly, this is shared between weekdays and weekends, except during a PDC*. The daily schedule usually is 8am to 1pm in Spring or Autumn and a morning shift and evening shift in the summer.

More specific Garden jobs include:

  • Irrigation: All gardens, plantations, nursery, Greenhouse, pots
  • Weeding: All gardens, plantations, Greenhouse
  • Pruning: Tomatoes, Cucumbers
  • Harvesting: All gardens for Friday veggie boxes and restaurants, herbs and fruits when ready
  • Planting: when seedlings are ready according to crop plan
  • Pest control: checking and removing bags, spraying when necessary with organic materials
  • Fertigation: Prepare beds for planting
  • Compost: collect cuttings, shredder, move compost hips
  • Chicken care: clean coop, feed and collect eggs

Other jobs:

  1. Cleaning houses when needed during touristic season
  2. Maintenance work: painting, oiling, fixing etc
  3. Preparing for events: May PDC, September PDC, other events
  4. During PDC: Help the cook in preparing meals. This year’s PDC is 24 May – 7 June and 27 September – 11 October.
  5. General keep clean common areas, showers and compost toilets, and Utility area.

What we offer

Accommodation and food. Accommodation can be either in the small stone hut, which can sleep one person or a couple, or 2 friends, as it is a single room with a double bed and a sofa. Or it can be in tent during hot months (June to September). Showers and toilets are outside, as well as common kitchen area.

Food, is vegetarian based, shopping is done together but up to a certain budget, meals are cooked by the volunteers. Veggies from the garden are always available to the volunteers.

Life learning experience. Tinos Ecolodge has been practicing permaculture and has design the whole ecolodge implementing all the alternative technologies in water collection, waste water management, and energy efficiency since 2014. Living at the Ecolodge is a great learning experience in all aspects of living off the grid and producing food within a market garden approach. The Ecolodge one can say is a fully self sufficient and sustainable business. Also following the permacutlure principles on Earth care, People care and fair trade it has built an ethic working environment that is based on mutual respect and responsibility.

What we expect. A person wanting to learn, physically and mentally fit, responsible on the tasks that are assigned, punctual, able both to take initiative and follow instructions, respectful, self dependent, basic knowledge on gardening, being able to cook for themself, clean and organised. It will be greatly appreciated if there is a permaculture background. We ask for at least 1 month stay.

*PDCs. During the 2 week PDC we need a kitchen assistant to the vegan chef. The job is focused solely on the meal preparations, lunch and dinner, which are prepared daily the whole 2 weeks, 13 days. Ideal for someone that wants to improve their knowledge on Greek vegetarian-vegan cooking and socialize with like minded people from all over the world.

Please send us a motivation letter at info@tinosecolodge.gr

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